


Each hazardous chemical must be labeled with the appropriate label. We can also prepare whole graphic image, ready to print.


Safety data sheet


Safety data sheet

Za vsako nevarno snov/zmes, ki se proizvaja/vnaša/uvaža, mora dobavitelj imeti slovenski varnostni list. Za vas izdelamo, pregledamo ali prevedemo varnostni list.


Biocidal product


Biocidal product

We advise you to obtain the necessary documentation, submit a duly prepared application to the Chemicals Bureau and conduct a procedure to register the product in the Register of Biocidal Products.

All information from chemical law in one place!

Imamo dolgoletne izkušnje iz kemijske proizvodnje, zato pravilno ocenimo vaše potrebe, predlagamo ukrepe in osebno zastopamo vaše interese pred kemijskimi inšpektorji.

We will be happy to meet you and discuss possible solutions to your problem!


Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.
Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.
~Marie Curie

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    We follow the law

    for the safe sale of biocides

    Making instructions

    Making instructions

    for safe working with chemicals

    Equip products containing chemicals with appropriate instructions.


    in the field of legislation

    Disposal of hazardous waste and environmental duties.
    Pokličite 070 743 743 !